Thursday 29 August 2013

Day 40 & 41 ...No. 1 looks perfect

Day 40 Saturday August 10th, 2013 ... 21degrees

up very early at 6:15 am
we need to get a move on because we are leaving Twillingate for the 
Port Aux Basques area where we need to catch our ferry back to Nova Scotia

No time for breaky
its nice to start out early....the traffic is light which makes it easier
navigating through these heavy rainstorms they have

a quick pit stop for a bun and coffee then on the road again
spotted another moose and calf...brings the total up to 5 sightings

as we get closer to our campsite we are hit by heavier rain and huge wind gusts
the gusts are so strong the highway signs are warning drivers of winds
up to 85 kms an hour and that trucks should pull over
we did see several semis and rv's pulled over but
we didn't have far to go so on we went

{anonymous  scribe wonders why there are 
no pictures of this weather ... lol}

arrived at the campsite around 2 pm
still raining but as we unpacked the sun starting to shine again
Dad worked on his photos while Missy napped

after dinner Dad continued to try to figure out how to send pictures home
 and I took Missy on a nice little walk
when we got back Dad said he finally figured out how to send the pictures
Yeah !!!!!!!!!

crappy WiFi at campsite No. 69 {insert frown here}
off to a well deserved sleep by all

Day 41 Sunday August 11th, 2013

up to a mostly empty campsite
looks like a lot of people were on the road early
including a large group on a caravan excursion

sooooo off we go to get a better site
No. 1 looks perfect

a quick move over and we soon discover the No. 1 has perfect WiFi
we are happy we moved as the messages from home start flying in

the plan today is to stick close to camp and do some much needed cleaning and laundry
5 washer and dryer loads to finish the mound of laundry !!!
I had to body-check a few people to get the machines
{the anonymous scribe knows not to mess with Gran when she is on a mission}

most of the rest of my day was spent cleaning inside the trailer while Dad cleaned the outside
it was a nice sunny day but also very windy but not as bad as yesterday

the campsite we are in is very nice and spacious
it is the same campground we stayed at on our first night in NFLD
after we got of the ferry at 11 pm

we would highly recommend the Grand Codroy RV Camping Park
it comes complete with a craft shop where goods are made by 32 locals
....any campsite with a craft shop is a good one

after dinner dad continues to work on the pictures while I plan the next few days
{anonymous scribe thinks there will be more pictures coming soon}

... off to bed  

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