Wednesday, 31 July 2013

day 6 .... travel day

day 6 (July 7th) -  travel day

on the road by 9 am and reached the entrance to Jasper National Park
turned down the Icefileds Parkway which was quite a bumpy ride

we stopped at the Athabasca glacier which was packed with visitors from all over 
the globe....and more rental RV's than flies if you can believe it

the Rockies are so beautiful & majestic that photos
{which I have not been able to forward to my
 ghost writer for this leg of the trip }
don't do them need to see them in real life

I loved the Indian paintbrush and other wild flowers along the side of the road
at Lake Louise we took the less hectic route of the Bow Valley Parkway

after aborting our drive through Banff in the mammoth trailer
we headed to Canmore where we found a great tourist centre
.... they directed us to the Bow Valley Provincial Campsite

hunkered down for the night, quick din-din then off to bed
{again not unhooking for a quick get-away in the am}

animals seen so far - 5 bears & 6 deer
plus 1 squirrell we forgot to mention back on day one
Missy still remembers it though

S, G & M
via ghost writer Cheryl

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

day 5 .... leaving Barkerville

We are all hooked up and ready to leave the campsite by 9 am on day 5 (July 5th)
but I need to digress just a little...

 I forgot to mention on my last post that
{although she is the most wonderful dog in the WORLD}
Missy doesn't take much to being alone in the trailer for long periods
{I fear this trip across Canada is gong to be a long one for her}
well......after we returned from a day visiting Barkerville
we noticed that she had peed on the bed

soooo before we can really get on our way we are on the search
for a laundromat 

if a girls gotta go, a girls gotta go ...
now that we have clean bedding we are in search of  Mt. Robson Park Provincial
Campsite near Jasper but the map we had didn't coincide with the location

after super sleuth Shelia found the campground we were finally
able to set camp for the night then a  quick burger for din-din and were
tucked in by 9:30.... much to Missy's delight

PS...Missy is now banned from the bed and NOT LIKING IT

animals seen so far - 2 bears & 3 deer

S, G & M
via ghost writer Cheryl

Sunday, 28 July 2013

days 2-4 {it's been a while.....}

Erin, Jesse and the gang in Barkerville's been a while since day one so it's time to catch up

lots has been happening
the happy travellers got off to a great start and ended up getting 
farther than they thought on the first day which was a bonus

  then they were on to Barkerville to see Jesse and Erin
{click on the pictures to see them bigger} 

 lots of fun was had by all and Erin's parents were in town 
so it was a wonderful visit

an old prospecting couple who took a liking to the happy travellers
the happy travellers have been keeping in-touch with home via our ipads 
next they headed to Winnipeg and the Breeze Reunion
then on to Sudbury to visit Glen's brother & sister-in-law
Doug and Louise

S, G & M
[aka...Sheila, Glen and Missy}
via ghost writer Cheryl

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

~ day one this is day one of Sheila & Glen's excellent adventure {the trailer eddition}
some of you have seen these pictures already on facebook but
here they are again in all their glory 
{you can click on the pictures to see them bigger}

 Austin made a point of spending some time saying good by to Missy
he will miss his little sister dreadfully

.... Gran & Gramps too of course

 these pictures speak for themselves so we will just let you enjoy them 
until we are updated from our on-site field reporters
... when they are back in WiFi zone 

...did we mention co-pilot Missy was VERY worried she was being left behind !!

the field reporters {aka The Gerries} sent in a message this afternoon that they made it
 safeand sound to Barkerville today

I am sure we will see some great pictures of Jesse and Erin very soon